Tuesday, January 7, 2014

30) Guardians of Purity by Julie Hiramine donated by Generations of Virtue

Parents will be encouraged and equipped as they face the battle targeting their children in the realm of purity. With so much stacked up against this generation: the influence of media, temptation at the click of a button, eroding sexual values, and an enemy intent on watching them stumble, is there any hope for the next generation? Julie proves there is - because God has called this generation to live pure lives before Him. And where God's people are committed to living out His standard, there is hope and power by His Spirit. Learn how to be a guardian of your child's purity - whether your kids are toddlers, tweens or teens - through practical tips and Biblical wisdom. Covering topics like safeguarding the technology kids use, blessing your children, and talking to them about the birds and the bees, Guardians of Purity is an essential how-to guide for the parent who wants to be proactive about raising chi
ldren to live pure lifestyles. by Julie Hiramine

What GOV Says: This book is pertinent for parents of toddlers to teens. Every chapter contains advice for all stages of development and family situations. Julie fills the chapters of this book with a message of hope and empowerment. For parents facing an uncertain world with their children, Guardians of Purity will give them the hope and encouragement they need to raise a generation of pure children.